Closing conference
Project completed The final dissemination event of the Personalised Pathways to Successful Admission project took place in August in Odorheiu Secuiesc. The aim of the event was to share professional experiences and to disseminate the results of the project. The event presented the project results and shared the experiences with the participating professionals, educational institutions […]
Close of the project
Closing the project Close of the project The Erasmus+ project Tailored pathways to successful admission has come to an end, and the last international project meeting was held in Odorheiu Secuiesc, where the professional results were processed and evaluated, and the experiences were summarised. To sum up, the following can be said the project objectives […]
Methodology Manual
The methodology manual is ready The Methodology Manual summarises project results and experiences in order to adapt the methodology.It provides technical and methodological suggestions for those interested, which will facilitate their practical application.It describes the digital and blended learning methodology used, the functioning of the e-learning teaching tool and the lessons learned from the pilot […]
Evaluation of the development
Evaluation of the development On 21 June 2024, we organised the 4th International Project Meeting (online) in the framework of the Personalised Pathways to Successful Admission project. The aim of the meeting was to evaluate the pilot training, to summarise the learning outcomes and to process teacher and student feedback. Testing in school settings was […]
The pilot training course has ended
Results of the pilot training The Personalised Pathways to Successful Admission project aims to prepare Romanian students for the baccalaureate. To this end, on the one hand we developed a digital maths content, which was tested in practice by students in a school setting; on the other hand, in the framework of the blended methodology, […]
Curriculum development completed
Curriculum development completed The development of a digital mathematics curriculum has been successfully completed in the framework of the Personalised pathways to successful admission project. The content was created to support the preparation for the Romanian school-leaving exams, with 8 topics covered. The interactive content available on the e-learning educational platform aims to make learning […]
Pilot training started The aim of this project is to create a tool to ensure equal opportunities for students with fewer opportunities in preparing for the most challenging subject in mathematics. To this end, the results of the project will be tested in the context of pilot teaching. The aim of the pilot training is […]
Preparing pilot
Preparing pilot training The third international professional meeting of the project was organised by the Regionet Foundation in Odorheiu Secuiesc in January. The event focused on the preparation of the pilot teaching and the methodology of the finalisation of the methodology. According to the blended methodology, students will participate in a 12-week admission preparation course […]
Content development concept
A tartalomfejlesztési koncepció kialakítása We held the second international workshop of the project. The theme of the event was the elaboration of a framework for a content development methodology and the development of a content development concept. The methodology includes the process of content development, description of parameters, identification of methodological criteria. Together with our […]
PLA At the end of November 2023, RegioNet Foundation organised a PLA event for teachers interested in digital pedagogy, who we wanted to involve in the joint work with the aim of assessing their needs. The Peer Learning Activity (PLA) is a method of peer learning, sharing professional experiences and working together. The aim of […]