Results of the pilot training

The Personalised Pathways to Successful Admission project aims to prepare Romanian students for the baccalaureate.

To this end, on the one hand

  • we developed a digital maths content, which was tested in practice by students in a school setting;
  • on the other hand, in the framework of the blended methodology, students on adaptive learning pathways were supported by teachers in online sessions

Pilot training under the Personalised Pathways to Successful Admission project was successfully implemented with positive results in all areas. The maths curriculum, the e-learning platform, the adaptive methodology and the blended methodology of the pilot training all contributed to competence development and knowledge enhancement.

Pupil reception was also positive, with the playful approach, gamification tools, the framework game, the choice of characters, the collection of rewards and stars, all of which captured the interest of the pupils and motivated them in their learning.

The project tested the mathematics curriculum in a school setting with 5 groups/115 pupils. However, in practice, more pupils were able to try out the digital curriculum, and in view of the intense interest, we also offered the opportunity to participate to pupils who were less regularly able to implement the learning activity but who wanted to join in. This allowed an additional 3 groups/62 students to benefit from the project results. In total, 8 groups of 177 pupils worked on the 8 topics of the Romanian “A-levels”.

The learning activities were carried out over a total of 12 weeks, during the first 8 weeks of the pilot the pupils had the opportunity to work on the 8 topics, while the remaining 4 weeks were spent practising different pathways per segment, focusing more on critical areas. Based on the results of the input and output test, students’ performance improved by an average of 9.6%.


  • 5 institutions
  • 13 teachers
  • 115 pupils
  • 12 weeks of learning activities
  • 12 learning pathways
  • 200 SU, a total of 641 independent tasks with help and explanations
  • learning time: total of 79 hours 54 minutes of learning in the app, averaging 2 hours 7 minutes
  • improvement: 9.6%