Preparing pilot training

The third international professional meeting of the project was organised by the Regionet Foundation in Odorheiu Secuiesc in January. The event focused on the preparation of the pilot teaching and the methodology of the finalisation of the methodology.

According to the blended methodology, students will participate in a 12-week admission preparation course on the e-learning platform prior to the exam. During this period, they will work with the digital mathematics curriculum created for this purpose, which will cover the material of the exam. They will then receive further development through small group online consultations.

In total, the pilot will cover 8 topics, one topic per week, in a classroom environment. After the 8th week, the target group will be divided into segments according to the areas and levels of progress they are most likely to make. In the remaining 4 weeks, students will be given more focused tasks to practise in critical areas.

Clustering: performance-based grouping

Learning on the e-learning platform is based on performance-based clustering per subject: based on the results achieved, learners are divided into homogeneous groups of varying strengths, with learners with the same difficulties being placed in these groups. This allows for more effective further support and tutoring in the subject area.

Small group online consultations are organised weekly by teachers for different groups to overcome any learning blockages.