At the end of November 2023, RegioNet Foundation organised a PLA event for teachers interested in digital pedagogy, who we wanted to involve in the joint work with the aim of assessing their needs.

The Peer Learning Activity (PLA) is a method of peer learning, sharing professional experiences and working together.

The aim of the event was to lay the foundations for the improvements to be made in the project. We sought to involve teachers in the development process and to jointly define the concept of content development.

The critical areas of competence of the “A-levels” were identified, the topics to be developed were defined accordingly, and the process of content development and the structure of the curriculum were discussed.

At the event we presented the planned methodology, the motivation and the concept of the project. Afterwards, the participating teachers were given the opportunity to express their views on the mathematics curriculum to be developed.

In summary, the blended methodology and digital curriculum would be a significant help in preparing for the exam.

During the professional dialogue, it was possible to identify, together with the participants, the main development aspects and needs that could most effectively support the preparation for the exam.

What was said at the event will be incorporated into further development processes.