The methodology manual is ready

The Methodology Manual summarises project results and experiences in order to adapt the methodology.It provides technical and methodological suggestions for those interested, which will facilitate their practical application.It describes the digital and blended learning methodology used, the functioning of the e-learning teaching tool and the lessons learned from the pilot training.

It provides guidance on the use of the system and the adaptation of the project results, as well as a guide to the application and use of personalised learning pathways. The document is available free of charge on the project website.

The manual presents the project results in a practice-oriented way:

  • the digital mathematics curriculum produced;
  • the preparation of the Tanlet e-learning platform for learning activities;
  • a wide range of ways to prepare, attune and motivate learners;
  • the tools for tracking learning outcomes individually, in groups and by pathway on the Tanlet platform;
  • the implementation of online consultation of homogeneous small groups as a result of differentiation by results;
  • methodological proposals for online small group consultation, such as methodological and content differentiation, interactive sessions, etc;
  • motivating and engaging learners through different methods of tuning in, energising and concentration games and reflective techniques at the end of the session.