The project starts

The launch international workshop took place online.

  • The background to the project is that, according to various educational surveys, in several countries in the region, including Romania and Hungary, the correlation between socio-cultural background and student performance is particularly high. Children from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds perform less well in school, their key competences, such as mathematics, are underdeveloped and they are most at risk of early school leaving.
  • In Romania, opportunities for further education are much more dependent on family background than the EU average, meaning that mobility opportunities for pupils with fewer opportunities are among the lowest in the EU. Already at the end of primary school, opportunities for further education are significantly limited (among other factors) by the final examination, also known as the ‘A-levels’, which is a major determinant of students’ future careers.


In this project, we aim to contribute to equal opportunities by supporting the preparation for the A-levels in mathematics through the use of adaptive e-learning and blended learning.

During the Kick-off meeting, we established the conditions for joint work, including the project implementation plan, the content and timing of milestones, the schedule of tasks, the pedagogical methodological concept and the dissemination strategy.